Didasko Instructions


  • 120 Matching cards

  • 49 Challenge cards

  • 2-10 players

Goal of the game:

The goal of the game is to collect 3 challenge cards before anyone else does. You earn these cards by successfully winning or completing the challenge on the challenge cards.


Shuffle the matching cards and deal 12 to each player. These 12 cards will be the deck of cards each person refreshes their hand from in order to get a match. Then place the rest of the cards face down on the left side of the dealer. This will be the dealer's personal draw pile. Have each person pick up 3 cards from their personal draw pile. Next, shuffle the challenge cards and place them face down in the center of the group. You are now ready to play!

Game Play:

As quickly as possible, each player starts trying to make matches of three with the matching cards in their hand. Discard the card that doesn’t match, then grab one card from your pile, repeating this process until you or someone else gets a match of three.

Note: Remember to draw from the right pile and discard from the left! Also when you run out replenish your hand from your personal discard pile.

The goal is to make matches of 3, therefore to get a match they must be the same shape AND the same color. When you get a match, lay it down in front of you and declare it! Pick up a challenge card to win!


There are no turns. Everyone will play at the same time, with each player drawing from their personal pile. Once a match is declared and a challenge is played the round ends. After the battle, reshuffle the cards and start a new round!

Challenge Cards:

The main objective of this game is to collect challenge cards. When a match is declared, the game slows down. The player who completed the match follows the instructions specified on the card. If the player completes the challenge as specified, he or she keeps the card.

Retell it: When a player turns over this card, simply follow the instructions. Players will use their creativity paired with their knowledge of the story to retell it.  Upon a player’s completion of this retelling of the story, the player will get to keep the card.

God’s Story: This is the time for the player to talk about God! Whether it is about creation or the story of Jesus, share how wonderful and glorious a Father He is to us! Upon the player’s retelling of the story, they will get to keep the card.

Your Testimony: Now is the time to share your personal testimony, on how you got to know Him! Share in a minute or so about your faith in Him. Upon doing so, the player will keep the card.

Guess or I win: The player who picks this card must give a description of any bible character, animal, or thing for others to guess. The rest of the players have 1 minute to try and guess which Bible Character they are thinking. The players trying to guess may ask the cardholder yes or no questions in that time to narrow in on who the character may be. Make it difficult because if they cannot guess what you picked, then you win the card! If no one is able to guess the Bible character, the player keeps the card. If they do guess the character, the card is returned to the bottom of the deck.

Prayer Time: This is a time to pray for someone who you know is lost and doesn’t know Jesus. A life-changing card that helps you use your superpower…PRAYER! Upon the completion of this card, the player keeps it.

Name it: This card is about describing how you have seen the fruits of the spirit in action in your life recently! Upon describing how they have seen one on display recently, they keep the card. (See Galatians 5:22-23 to find the fruit of the Spirit)

Bible ABC’s: Everyone in the group has 10 seconds to name a person, place, or thing from the Bible. Players take turns going through the alphabet from A-Z! Adam, Bethlaham, Cannan, etc. If someone fails to continue the ABC’s in 10 seconds the person who has made the last correct connection wins the card. If not, whoever gets Z at the end wins the card!

Act it Out: For this card, the player and whoever enters into the competition based on the colors below, will be two judges, and the rest of the group must act out any Bible story! The other players will select any Bible passage and then act it out. The judges will try guessing what that story is. The first judge who guesses the story correctly wins!

Sword Drill: The player and the other competitor, chosen based on the colors of the matching card, must compete to read the Bible verse mentioned. Each player will start with their Bible closed. Upon starting they will race to see who can get to the Bible passage first. Whoever gets to the passage and starts reading first wins!

Types of Competition:

- Red match: you play with the person who is two people to your right.

- Blue match: you play with the person to your right.

- Yellow match: you play with the person who is two people to your left.

- Purple match: you play with the person to your left.

- Green match: you choose who you play with!